City of New Britain
Opportunity Zones
East Main Street TOD Opportunities

New three-story mixed-use buildings:
-These buildings serve to anchor the neighborhood and include up to 28,000 square feet of ground-floor retail/restaurant. The upper stories contain up to 70 residential apartment units. Wide sidewalks with outdoor seating, large open windows/doors, and awnings establish a human-scaled, walkable streetscape.
-Open courtyard space with pedestrian amenities links residents to corner park let features. Residential and retail patron parking is provided behind the buildings with access off Harvard and Florence Streets.
-Realignment of East Main Street and Newington Avenue creates two public park/gateway features into New Britain. Pedestrian amenities, lighting, and sculptural elements are envisioned within the park space.
-The buildings establish a significant gateway visual when entering from Newington along the realigned intersection with East Street. The plan calls for two-story buildings with up to 30 residential units and strong architectural components surrounded by open space exponents. Parking would be provided in conjunction with the parking provided for mixed use buildings in I-03 and I-04 as well as between the buildings.

Relocated northbound platform CTfastrak parking and small retail building:
The relocation of the DPW enables the relocation of the northbound platform, creating a more cohesive transit stop. Providing dedicated parking for CTfastrak serves to bolster ridership and the consumers market for the area. A small retail building is shown on the current northbound platform site.