City of New Britain
Opportunity Zones
CT Mirror
Energy & Innovation Park
“The project is expected to generate about 3,000 direct and indirect jobs, more than $200 million in tax revenue for the state, and another $45 million for the city over the next decade. Construction is slated to begin in early 2019.”
Stanley Black and Decker CEO
Jim Loree
Energy & Innovation Park
“We have thrived through three industrial revolutions and are well positioned as we embark on the fourth, which is in process today, driven by the technological revolution. … This is another step on the long road back to fiscal stability and economic competitiveness for Connecticut, and we are proud to be doing our part to help with an ideal reuse of one of our manufacturing facilities.”
Commissioner Redeker
Beehive Bridge Project
“For me, New Britain has become the sweet-spot of Fastrak, It represents everything that Fastrak was built to accomplish: mobility for people, new opportunity for people, economic development and then tying it in with the community and connecting communities.”
Director of Economic Development
Bill Carroll
Berkowitz Building
“It’s very exciting to see plans for this building finally move forward after close to 23 years vacant. It has been an eyesore and a very intimidating building that needs to be taken care of. I give credit to the Mayor and the Common Council for working with this organization. It is a good day for New Britain,”